Silent Auction
supporting the AAFM Scholarship fund
AAFM is auctioning off these hand crafted wooden replicas by Eamonn Needler as he brings an end to his Minuteman production and on-line store. The panels, built to actual dimensions, have moving parts and are mounted on stands. The SAS container is a wall plaque with rear slots for mounting and to install your crew lock!
AAFM will be auctioning off two A/M LCPs, two Deuce LCPs, 4 LEPs, and 4 SAS container replicas. Bid sheets will be available in the Hospitality Room at our National Meeting. If you can’t join us in Buellton and still want to bid on these items, please send an email with your bid to All bids will close at 1600 PT on Saturday, 26 October 2024.
Sentinel Bridge Plans in Montana:
Eleven bridges in the Lewistown area will be replaced as part of the Sentinel Missile Project based on a formalized agreement with the Montana Department of Transportation and Department of Defense, the Governor’s Office announced.
The Malmstrom Air Force Base work includes construction on- and off- the Great Falls base such as establishing new utility corridors.
“Montana plays a key role in the national security of the United States,” Gov. Greg Gianforte said in a statement. “The announcement will allow the MDT to move forward replacing 11 aging bridges that serve the Lewistown community and will support the Sentinel Missile program.
Source: Bridging the Gaps
Cheyenne Wyoming Chamber of Commerce Nuclear Update:
The United States military is undergoing a “momentous undertaking” of nuclear weapon modernization, said Maj. Gen. Stacy Jo Huser, 20th AF Commander. Major General Huser was invited to speak at the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce’s Military Affairs Committee Luncheon where she spoke about the role of F.E. Warren Air Force Base in updating its nuclear technology.
“The current international environment presents continued risks that demonstrate, now more than ever, the need for a strong U.S. nuclear deterrent,” Huser said at the luncheon. “And we’ve been tasked by the nation to modernize our nuclear delivery platforms. ”The modernization of nuclear technology is dependent on the work of hundreds of thousands of people around the country, Huser added, especially in places such as Savannah, Georgia; Kansas City, Missouri; Los Alamos, New Mexico; Great Falls, Montana; and Cheyenne, among several others.
Source: Nuclear Technology
US nuclear Forces Prepare for the Future
Every facet of Air Force Global Strike Command and the ballistic nuclear force of the United States Navy are being modernized, the Lt. Gen. Lutton, Deputy Commander of Global Strike Command told attendees at the North Dakota Nuclear Triad Symposium held in Minot. “There are consequences to that, and we have to deliver for the nation, and that’s going to require a team sport,” said Lt. Gen. Michael Lutton, keynote speaker at the symposium. Lutton said that team sport includes industry, academia, communities, allies and partners, and military. “We absolutely have to deliver for this nation. Given the backdrop of what is happening in this world, we absolutely have to deliver for them,” he said. “Our Long-Range Standoff missile will replace the air-launched cruise missile – the ALCM. That is also a major defense acquisition program”
The National Airborne Operations Center or NAOC will be replaced by the Strategic Airborne Operation Center or SAOC, Lutton said. He added that is still early in its acquisition process, but all of the nuclear command, control and communications are in one way, shape or another being recapitalized or modernized within the United States Navy and United States Space Force.
Source: Nuclear Symposium
Through the Ages...Famous Quotes from Previous Nuclear Leaders:
“Let us not be deceived: we are today in the midst of a cold war. Our enemies are to be found abroad and at home. Let us never forget this. Our unrest is the heart of their success.”
Dean Acheson, Former United States Secretary of State, 1947
“I think there are many times when it would be most efficient to use nuclear weapons. However, the public opinion in this country and throughout the world would throw up their hands in horror when you mention nuclear weapons, just because of the propaganda that's been fed to them.”
Lemay on Nuclear Weapon Use
General Curtis E Lemay, CINCSAC
“Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge, and more.”
John F. Kennedy,
US president, at his inauguration in January 1961
“Sometime in the future--25, 50, 75 years hence--what will the situation be like then? By that time the Chinese will have the capability of delivery too. That's the reason some schools of thinking don't rule out a destruction of the Chinese military potential before the situation grows worse than it is today. It's bad enough now.”
Mission with Lemay (1965)
General Curtis E Lemay, CINCSAC
“The military balance which permitted us to maintain the peace is now threatened. If steps are not taken to modernize our defense, the United States will progressively lose the ability to deter the Soviet Union from employing force or threats of force against us and against our allies.”
President Reagan Address on Nuclear Weapons (1982)
President Ronald Reagan
“ICBMs and SSBNs together have allowed the bombers and tankers to be released for use by military commanders with great effect in a wide variety of conventional missions. This has raised the importance of ICBMs as a mainstay of deterrence, as a hedge against unforeseen technical problems or geopolitical events.”
General C. Robert Kehler, former Commander, US Strategic Command
“What the ICBM force gives to the president is the ability to respond promptly. I think that’s still a valuable component of the range of alternatives that we could offer to the president.”
The US Needs a New ICBM Now
General C. Robert Kehler, former Commander, US Strategic Command, 2019.
Not So Famous Quotes:
“I am deeply disappointed by the decision to continue this wasteful and unnecessary endeavor.”
Source: "Top Democrat on the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness"
Congressman John Garamendi (D-CA-08) Press release on Sentinel, July 9, 2024.
Russian media outlets reported the American Minuteman III failure was notable. Military expert Alexei Leonkov told RIA Novosti the U.S. is "launching old missiles that have already exceeded their planned service life." The Telegram account Russian Engineer posted, "very serious news about the state of US nuclear forces." Another failure like the one this week "could call into question the entire Minuteman silo missile."
Source: Minuteman Missile Failure Draws Russian Mockery of US Nuclear Arsenal
“No, don’t scratch your butt
Though it feels good, I know
Makes you feel cheerier to touch your posterior
But there’s no pro and con — it’s open and shut.
Don’t scratch your butt.”
Source: Don't Scratch Your Butt
Garrison Keillor, A Prairie Home Companion
At MINOT: Why was the government issued toilet paper in the LCC grey?
At MINOT: What ever happened to the Henry 22 caliber US Survival Rifles kept under the LCC floor?
AT FE WARREN: Why is there an old canon next to the flagpole and metal stars on the tops of some of the buildings?
AT ELLSWORTH: Why was the missile in front of the Pride Hangar taken down and where did it go?
At FE WARREN: Why can’t stakes be put into the ground on the Parade Field?
What is the highest mileage on a crew vehicle used in the field?
On the LCC blast doors, why is there a high pressure and low-pressure hand pump?
Who developed WD40 and what was its military application?
Send your answers to:
We'll review the results at our National Meeting and in the next newsletter.
James F. Warner
Executive Director