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AAFM Newsletter - April 2023

01 Apr 2023 07:30 | Anonymous

Fellow Missileers:

Happy April Fools Day--the following is all real and not a joke!  I'll leave the "humor" to the professionals.

We hope you are enjoying these monthly news updates.  We are in the final days of prep for the April newsletter which should hit your email inbox by mid-April and your postal boxes by the end of the month. April’s edition will provide an update on the cancer study, continue or families in missiles corner, a perspective on staff members pulling alerts and much more. Of course, if you want to get the earlier distribution and help us save money on printing costs you can always update your profile on line or drop me an email at

Master Missileer and AAFM member Brigadier General Stacy Jo Huser Nominated for Major General

AAFM’s keynote speaker at our Salt Lake City banquet has been nominated for her second star. Below is a “golden nugget” from a video she made to first generation students from North Central College where she graduated in 1994. Below the quote is a link to a 92 second video of General Huser’s advice.

 “Be authentic. Be your true self with your friends, fellow students, professors, family members, coworkers, because when you are true and authentic and vulnerable, it builds that trust and people need that. They need to see that in you. They need to see your authentic self and trust me they will adore you just the way you are.”

 Want to know more?

 Feeding the Missile Force:

 Minot’s and FE Warren’s Missile Alert Feeding Operations (MAFO)  have been selected as one of two finalists for the 2023 John L. Hennessy Award, a commendation that highlights outstanding achievement in the food service career field. May the best MAFO win

Every security force member, FM, MCC, and Maintainer knows that a good MAF chef can make or break an alert tour. This is especially true with longer alert tours in the field. A great omelet with tots in the morning can get you ready to dig ice out of the A-pit and fight the wind during site checks. The old days of “foil packs” and different tasting “chicken” are over.


 Want to know more?

 According to, DoD “Rejiggers” 96 billion Sentinel ICBM program to minimize delay?

You may want to know what it means to “Rejigger”? defines ”Rejigger’ to change or rearrange in a new or different way. The Defense Department and the Air Force have taken actions to minimize a delay in the $96 billion Sentinel ICBM acquisition program caused by supply chain and workforce issues at prime contractor Northrop Grumman, a senior DoD official said today. Below is a link that explains what DoD is doing and why.

 Want to know more?

 Hey, What’s that Smell?

Date: 1975, Place: Oscar LCC, Time: 18:30 after dinner. From behind the toilet curtain the crew commander yells outs “Hey Tom, we’re out of toilet paper in here”. Tom responds, “what’s this “we” stuff?” Commander replies, “quit screwing around and bring me some paper or do you want me to put new words in your OPR Judgement and Decisions block?” Tom quietly slides a copy of the local newspaper under the curtain. Commander starts to reply, but the PAS screams out “Skybird, Skybird….(you know the rest). Tom acknowledges the PAS, walks back, and rolls some TP under the curtain.

Two hours later. Commander turns around and asks, “What the hell is that smell?” Tom replies, “don’t look at me, I didn’t eat the barbeque chicken foil pack!”  Commander looks at Tom and says, “no it’s something else.” Tom starts thinking of the MPT statement “you smell smoke” and visions of crew of the month for isolating a fire go through his mind. Tom grabs his Tech Order, goes up to the front console, takes a big whiff, and states “that isn’t smoke, it smells like s**t!”.

Commander replies, “no s**t Sherlock, go back and check the Emergency Shutoff Valve under the floor”. Tom walks back to the tunnel junction walkway, shines his handy dandy government issued, green plastic flashlight and looks under the LCC. Tom yells out “I can’t see the valve its covered in brownish water.” Commander yells back “call job and get a writeup.”

Tom yells back, “hold on, let me see if I can get a little closer.” Tom leans out more over the walkway, puts his sandal covered foot on the capsule wall…slips, and slides slowly down the wall. Tom using his Fitness Assessment honed skills, stops himself from going all the way into the “water”. Commander hears SAC not approved expletives emanating from Tom, hustles back grabs Tom’s arm and helps him up.

Despite his physical abilities, Tom’s foot took a slight dip in the “water”. On that alert, Tom’s Commander awarded him a new call sign…SHIFOOT!



James F. Warner

Executive Director

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 1767

Monument, CO 80132


The Association of Air Force Missileers

is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 

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